

POWER SOLUTION delivers a webinar on Assets Management with IBM

Efficient assets lifecycle management drives productivity and cost reduction. Technologies that optimize performance predict failures more accurately, and resolve field issues more effectively make the difference. These are just some of the advantages offered by artificial intelligence integrated into IBM Maximo, a platform in which we at POWER SOLUTION are experts. To...

POWER SOLUTION ayuda a Siegfried

POWER SOLUTION helps Siegfried Holding AG to migrate the PI System infrastructure to a new domain and manage the configuration of the new one

POWER SOLUTION helps Siegfried Holding AG to migrate the PI System infrastructure to a new domain and manage the configuration of the new one. The biggest challenge we face in sectors such as Pharma is that any change, however minimal it may seem, needs to be validated on paper due to...

POWER SOLUTION ayuda a Coreso SA en la migración de su PI System a una nueva infraestructura.

POWER SOLUTION assists Coreso SA in the migration of its PI System to a new infrastructure

The biggest challenge we face in Sectors such as Energy, is the intelligent optimization of energy networks and interactions with their customers.As part of its growth strategy, Coreso SA wanted to upgrade its hardware infrastructure and PI System to ensure optimal performance and prevent problems in the data collection component of Electronic...

Colaboramos con Repsol Digital en el diseño de la plataforma ARiA - POWER SOLUTION

Our CoE in Operational Intelligence, experts in OSIsoft PI AVEVA, has collaborated with Repsol Digital in the design of two of the fundamental modules of the ARiA platform

Our CoE in Operational Intelligence, experts in OSIsoft PI AVEVA, has collaborated with Repsol Digital during two years for the design of two of the fundamental modules of the ARiA platform: a massive #data extractor from PI System and another one dedicated to writing in this same platform. With these...

POWER SOLUTION es la empresa española con más profesionales acreditados OSIsoft y AVEVA

POWER SOLUTION is the Spanish company with more accredited professionals (Installation Specialist & Infrastructure Specialist) OSIsoft and AVEVA.

POWER SOLUTION has been partner of "OSIsoft is now part of AVEVA" since 2010 and we are very proud to be the Spanish company with more accredited professionals (Installation Specialist & Infrastructure Specialist) to help our customers to get all the advantages of OSIsoft and AVEVA products. AVEVA OSIsoft is the...

Renovamos la certificación como integradores AVEVA Wonderware Iberia

We renewed our certification as AVEVA Wonderware Iberia integrators

For a further year, we have renewed our AVEVA Wonderware Iberia integrators certification, which recognizes our know-how and experience with Wonderware products. We also, qualify as a company specialized in Infrastructure with the Infrastructure Qualified certification.More information: ...